240123002697 - Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate in Respect to Prospecting for Base and Rare Metals, Dimension Stone, Industrial Minerals & Precious Metals on EPL 9032, Kunene and Omusati Regions

Jacmo Investment cc seeks to undertake their prospecting activities within their proposed Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL 9032 in the Kunene and Omusati Regions, in respect to Base and Rare Metals, Dimension Stone, Industrial Minerals and Precious Metals. Principally, Jacmo Investment proposes to explore (desktop geological study, collection of bulk and or geological samples and identification of previous activity in the area where similar mineral mining were conducted) and to obtain bulk-samples for further laboratory analysis by use of hand-held equipment and to small degree drilling.

Prpject status VERIFIED

For further information contact:

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Department of Environmental Affairs

(+264 -61) 284 2701 (T)

(+264-61) 240 339 (F)
