231120002493 - Application for the Renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) No. 01157 for the Proposed 66kV Marble Switching Station Extension, 30.88 km long Powerline Route from Marble Station to the Mining License (ML) No. 204 for Lepidico Chemicals Na

The renewed Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) No. 01157 is required for the proposed 66kV Marble Switching Station Extension, 30.88 km long powerline from Marble Station to the Mining License (ML) No. 204 for Lepidico Chemicals Namibia (Pty) Ltd, NamPower Metering Station and the Lepidico Rubicon Substation Developments, Karibib District, Erongo Region West-Central Namibia. Lepidico Chemicals Namibia (Pty) Ltd is “the Developer” of the proposing 30.88km 66kV overhead powerline and once completed, the powerline will be transferred, operated, and maintained by Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent). The proposed powerline will be from the Marble switchyard to the west of Karibib. From the Marble Station, the line will cross over the existing NamPower 66kV Karibib transmission line, Karibib railway line and B2 national road and run parallel to the 66kV Navachab transmission line at an offset distance of 30m centre to centre, follow the public road D1953 before branching along the D1992 into the ML 204 area.

Prpject status APPROVED

For further information contact:

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Department of Environmental Affairs

(+264 -61) 284 2701 (T)

(+264-61) 240 339 (F)
