221017000128 - Proposed three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey in Petroleum Exploration Licence 90 (PEL 90), Orange Basin, off the coast of southern Namibia.

3. MINING AND QUARRYING ACTIVITIES 3.2 The construction of facilities for any process or activities which requires a licence, right or other form of authorisation, and the renewal of a licence, right or other form of authorisation, in terms of the Minerals (Prospecting and Mining Act), 1992. 3.2 Other forms of mining or extraction of any natural resources whether regulated by law or not. 3.3 Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation and related activities. 3.4 The extraction or processing of gas from natural and non-natural resources. Seismic surveys are carried out to collect geophysical data on the subsea geological formations and its relation to hydrocarbon resources. A seismic survey vessel tows an array of sensors (hydrophone streamer cables) through the water at an average speed of 4-5 knots and fires a seismic source array every 6-13 seconds to map the subsurface formations. Computers translate the information into digital maps of the subsurface, which geophysicists analyse to determine the presence of hydrocarbons. Harmattan Energy Limited is proposing to undertake a 3D seismic survey in PEL 90 (i.e. approximately 5 433 km2), as well as possibly an area 4 km to the south, east and west of the block (i.e. approximately 742 km2). The proposed survey would take 2.5 and 3 months to complete. Harmattan proposes to commence with the 3D seismic survey in an Austral summer survey window within the ECC validity period.

Prpject status APPROVED

For further information contact:

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Department of Environmental Affairs

(+264 -61) 284 2701 (T)

(+264-61) 240 339 (F)
