231020002349 - Environmental Impact Assessment for Prospecting and Exploration Activities on EPL 8231, Erongo Region.

The proponent, Theresia Jeaneth Aochamus, has obtained a Notice of Preparedness to Grant Exclusive Prospecting Licence over EPL 8231. The minerals of interest are Base and Rare Metals; Dimension Stones; Industrial Minerals; and Precious Metals. Exploration is a range of activities to help determine if there are minerals under the ground. The objective of the planned prospecting and exploration activities is to identify geological features and lithostratigraphic units within the concession area, and to define the mineral deposits, in order to determine whether these deposits are economically viable. If the exploration process identifies minerals that can be commercially extracted, then mining in the future is possible. The activities will include both invasive and non-invasive exploration. The proponent will employ a phased exploration approach consisting of three distinct phases i.e., the Pre-Development Phase, Operational and Maintenance Phase, and the Decommissioning and Rehabilitation Phase. The pre-development phase involves literature and map reviews, as well as fieldwork to determine targets for detailed investigation. The operational and maintenance phase is the phase during which the exploration program will commence. The target areas within the EPLs’ boundaries identified during the pre-development phase will undergo rigorous examination. Soil and rock grab sampling is the preferred technique for the planned exploration work, and diamond drilling may be considered depending on outcome of initial operations. Numerous shallow trenches might be considered when and if the grab samples return anomalous values for the target minerals. No explosives will be used during the exploration phase. The proponent appointed Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) to undertake the Environmental Assessment (EA) in order to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the activities from the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism: Department of Environmental Affairs (MET: DEA).

Prpject status VERIFIED

For further information contact:

Ministry of Environment and Tourism

Department of Environmental Affairs

(+264 -61) 284 2701 (T)

(+264-61) 240 339 (F)
